Deep in a forest, in the ancient town of Graveshollow, lives an immortal family . . . descended from royalty, each afflicted by a centuries-old curse . . . each inhabited by a different monster of legend - cyclops, centaur, basilisk, banshee, and many more . . . each with its own set of powers . . . and tortures.
Fleeing to England from Germany, the family struggles to find a way to end their curse, but to no avail. All they can do is control the curse and live in harmony with humans and immortals like themselves in peaceful Graveshollow.
That is, until the joyous birth of a child in the family unknowingly sets in motion the final chapter of the ancient curse. The powerful wizard who imposed the curse and his flunky apprentice, made aware of the child's birth, travel interdimensionally through telluric currents within the earth - the source of all mythological creatures throughout history.
With them come a variety of ancient monsters from many cultures, all sent to destroy the family and fulfill the curse . . . angels and demons . . . some loyal to the family, some bent on its destruction. While fighting these otherworldly beings, the Jager family must finally unravel the mystery of the "Grinds", the "Loop", and the "Rush" that these beings travel through, and that threatens to consume them all.
But as they fight to contain this supernatural battle in Graveshollow, they are betrayed by one of their own, the evil "Lilith" - a beautiful seductress, beloved family member, and diabolical demon all in one - who comes to Graveshollow from the bowels of hell to shatter the family and assume ultimate power.
If the family is to survive and finally free itself of this curse, they must figure out this hell the wizard has brought down on them before it's too late . . . for all of them, and for all life on earth.